Featured Gardens
Here's a preview of what you will see when you visit the Garden
Wildlife Habitat Garden
Created in 2016 with the support of TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, this demonstration garden is planted with trees, shrubs and perennials that sustain wildlife.
Rain GArden
Rain Gardens help prevent storm water surface runoff so the water is absorbed by the soil. This demonstration garden is planted with native plants adapted to standing water for limited periods.
Lilac Walk.
Follow the path around the base of the Tower over to the Sundial during Lilac season . You will see a broad selection of lilacs that are suitable for planting in our area as well as our Slater Lilac Collection.
The Goldfish pond
Constructed in 1931, the pond has been the main attraction of the Garden ever since. Most visitors wonder where the fish go for the winter. They stay in the pond, in a deep cave.
The Tower Rock Garden
The weather worn rocks making up the rack garden surrounding the Tower were collected from islands in Georgian Bay by the fire crews in the 1930's.
The sundial Garden
The flagstone for the pathways throughout the garden leading from the Tower to the Sundial and Pond were collected from the shoreline just north of the Smelter Wharf