Waiting for spring ... and waiting, and waiting!

Waiting got to be too much, so we decided to organize a field trip to Canada Blooms!  There were only three of us who went, but we really enjoyed it. IMG_6453

It was great to see and smell all the flowers (and the soil and mulch!)  There were some great display gardens with interesting hardscape ideas.  Because of the size constraints most of them felt like tiny yet awesome back yards.  Check out the review in the Canadian Gardening enewsletter as their photos are much better than mine. I loved the Natural Playground by Bienenstock ... lots of cool ideas to adapt for a Mission Park revitalization project I have been involved in the past couple of weeks.


There were hellebores everywhere, as Pink Frost" was the show's feature flower.  Of course we each brought one home.  Mine is sitting in my sunroom ... waiting for spring!




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