Tower Hill

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Lighting up the Garden


The Tower Hill Gardeners got together for one last workday and created some holiday magic in the Garden. We're getting ready for the Winter Solstice Event we are co-hosting on Sunday, December 20th.

Twinkle lights in the pine tree,

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Garland on the cabin and gold balls in the oak tree,

2015-12-05 15.27.58

and presto ... Christmas magic!


No skating on the pond this year, but look at the reflection of the lights in the still, black water!


We went all out and put a Christmas tree on the big porch and the policeman is in the spirit too!


Join us on the 20th for some family fun and gather around our Winter Solstice bonfire to celebrate the longest night of the year and encourage the sun on its journey towards spring and summer!

Check our Events page for more details!